what’s permanent jewelry

What’s Permanent Jewelry? Discover the PermaLinx Phenomenon

December 11, 2023

Permanent jewelry is more than your typical accessory. It’s a medium of storytelling, a way to wear your heart on your sleeve — or, in this case, your wrist. 

Let’s take a deep dive into the fascinating world of permanent jewelry, from its traditional roots to the innovative phenomenon that is PermaLinx.

What Is Permanent Jewelry?

Let’s start with the basics. The popularity of permanent jewelry has seen a recent boom as more and more people are looking for accessories with deeper personal meaning.

Unlike traditional jewelry, which is frequently taken off and on, permanent jewelry is crafted to stay with you as a constant reminder of special moments and connections. Traditional methods typically require the use of costly welding equipment, extensive training, and a dedicated workspace. 

What’s Permanent Jewelry Made Of?

When it comes to crafting permanent jewelry, traditional methods often revolve around precious metals such as gold or silver. A skilled artisan can create stunningly beautiful pieces with these materials, though they may leave something to be desired in terms of strength and durability.

Working with these materials also comes at the cost of a hefty investment, which can be a full-stop obstacle for those looking to try it out for the first time. The unfortunate truth is that many would-be designers simply never get the chance.

What Is PermaLinx?

The good news is that innovation has brought new levels of accessibility to the world of permanent jewelry. We call it PermaLinx. Departing from traditional norms, PermaLinx introduces a more accessible method that eliminates the need for expensive welding equipment.

Instead, it uses stainless steel materials that provide durability and affordability without sacrificing the shine of more expensive materials. By bucking the status quo, PermaLinx allows a wider range of people to engage in the art of jewelry making while providing opportunities to explore creativity without breaking the bank.

The PermaLinx Starter Collection

jBloom introduced a more innovative solution with the PermaLinx starter collection, your gateway into the captivating realm of crafting and selling permanent jewelry. While traditional setups often cost thousands in equipment alone, the PermaLinx starter collection provides everything you need for just $175:

• A Three-Piece Permanent Jewelry Tool Set: Simple and effective tools for secure links in lasting jewelry.

• Twelve Differently Styled Bracelets: A diverse range to cater to various tastes and preferences.

• Twenty Additional Jump Rings: Extra materials to ensure you’re always stocked for your craft.

• Four Practice Pieces: A practice set designed to help you hone your skills before you find your first customer.

Become a PermaLinx Designer 

Taking the leap into permanent jewelry crafting is easier now than ever before. Start your journey as a PermaLinx designer and discover the endless possibilities in store for your personal business. As a designer, you’ll have access to your very own online business suite with:

• A Personal Online Shop: Showcase and sell your creations to a wider audience.

• Appointment Booking: Streamline your business and provide a personalized experience.

• A Pre-Order System: Stay ahead by collecting orders in advance.

• Affordable Upkeep: Your business suite stays up and running for only $11.99 per month.

• A Free First Month: Your first month with us won’t cost you a thing!

Discover a New Kind of Jewelry With PermaLinx

As the trend of permanent jewelry continues to captivate hearts, PermaLinx has become a beacon of innovation and accessibility. We understand that our art is more than jewelry; it’s a canvas for creativity and personal meaning. 

With the PermaLinx starter collection and a personal online shop, starting your very own jewelry business has never been simpler. Come and be a part of our vibrant community, where you can share your story and create beautiful works of art for jewelry enthusiasts in your area. Harness your passion and become a PermaLinx designer today.

JBloom Designs