permanent jewelry business start-up

Your Permanent Jewelry Business Start-Up

September 23, 2023

Are you excited to transform your love for jewelry into a successful business venture? Are you someone who envisions crafting exquisite, timeless creations that hold a special place in your clients’ hearts? If that’s the case, then you’ve come to the right place.

In this guide, we’ll explore how you can begin your very own permanent jewelry business start-up with PermaLinx, the innovative and accessible way to craft stunning jewelry with a story!

What’s the Deal With Permanent Jewelry?

Before we dive into the intricacies of launching your business, let’s talk about why people love permanent jewelry as both an accessory and an art form. Permanent jewelry is more than a bracelet or necklace; it’s about crafting personal pieces that tell a story, carried with you every day. 

With PermaLinx, every single piece carries a memory. It’s a type of art that connects deeply with both the creator and the recipient.

The PermaLinx Method

In the past, a permanent jewelry business start-up typically involved a substantial commitment of both time and money. You may have needed costly equipment, thorough training, and a dedicated area to work in. Today, however, PermaLinx has changed the game entirely. Here’s what this new and innovative approach can do for you:

1. The PermaLinx Starter Collection

Instead of spending thousands of dollars on tech and supplies, you can find everything you need to kickstart your journey for just $175. The PermaLinx Starter Collection includes a versatile three-piece set of permanent jewelry tools. You’ll also find 12 unique styles of permanent bracelets, along with 20 extra PermaLinx jump rings. Plus, to help you improve your skills, we’ve included four practice pieces. 

2. Training and Education

The PermaLinx Starter Collection offers the additional benefit of easy and accessible training resources. We’ll provide you with all the knowledge and skills you need to succeed in the art of permanent jewelry crafting and sales. Whether you’re an experienced craftsperson or just starting out, our online training resources will help guide you toward success.

3. The PermaLinx Online Business Suite

To truly excel in the realm of permanent jewelry crafting, you’ll need the tools to manage your new business. With the PermaLinx online business suite, you’ll have access to a fantastic range of features.

You can set up your own online shop to easily gather pre-orders and manage appointments. Plus, you’ll be able to connect with a lively community of fellow jewelry enthusiasts. All this is yours for the small monthly upkeep of $11.99 — and guess what? Your first month is free!

Steps to Launch Your Jewelry Business

1. Get Your Supplies: Harness your passion and take the first step to your permanent jewelry business start-up with the comprehensive starter collection from Permalinx. With your new tools, you can begin to practice your craft until you’re ready to work with real customers.

2. Create and Showcase: Once you’ve practiced and refined your skills, you can begin crafting exquisite, timeless jewelry pieces. Show off your work on social media platforms, set up an online shop with PermaLinx, and participate in local craft fairs and events. When you share your creations with others, you’ll naturally attract more customers.

3. Connect with Your Audience: In order for your business to thrive, it is crucial to establish a solid customer base. Make the most of your PermaLinx online business suite by connecting with clients, scheduling events, and managing pre-orders. Remember to engage with your new audience on social media!

4. Continue Learning: Permanent jewelry is a constantly evolving art form. Stay curious, try new things, and find inspiration in other artists and the world that surrounds you. As you continue to invest in your craft, you’ll find your journey more and more rewarding.

Start Your Permanent Jewelry Business Start-Up Today

With PermaLinx, your dream of starting your own permanent jewelry business start-up is well within reach. You’ll have access to a range of training resources, the PermaLinx online business suite, and more. These valuable tools and support will help your business flourish.

Come and be a part of our vibrant community of talented PermaLinx designers. Your journey toward a permanent jewelry business start-up of your own starts now.

JBloom Designs