what is forever jewelry

What Is Forever Jewelry and Who Is It for?  

December 6, 2023

If you’re unfamiliar with the concept of “forever jewelry,” it’s time you discover how great it is. Also known as permanent jewelry, it’s a hot trend with plenty of staying power. With PermaLinx by jBloom, we can show you what forever jewelry is and how to turn it into a successful small business of your own. 

Why Do People Like Permanent Jewelry? 

What makes permanent jewelry worth the investment? Permanent jewelry caters to everyone regardless of their personal style. Some people want an accessory to compliment their outfits, and others use it to represent their loved ones.

The PermaLinx collection is unique within the industry, and here’s why:

Perfect for Active and Adventurous Lifestyles 

If you’re worried about ruining your favorite jewelry at the gym, the PermaLinx collection is both water and sweat resistant. Whether you are in a cycling class or going for a swim, the jewelry’s color and shine stay vibrant. 

Easy to Apply or Remove 

Rather than being zapped by a permanent jewelry welder, PermaLinx connects each piece of jewelry with unique jump rings. Every bracelet and anklet is cut for the perfect fit. In case you need your jewelry removed, all you need is a pair of scissors to cut the chain. 

Hard to Lose 

Have you ever lost your favorite bracelet and had to pay to replace it? With permanent jewelry, that concern is a thing of the past. Even in the worst-case scenario of something happening to your jewelry, PermaLinx has your back. Your designer who applied the jewelry will help you get a free replacement. 

From Client to Permanent Jewelry Professional 

PermaLinx offers clients the opportunity to start their own permanent jewelry business. You can go from asking, “What is forever jewelry?” to becoming a top-notch fashion accessory professional. 

Free Training and Professional Mentorship

Did you know you can become a PermaLinx designer without prior sales experience? PermaLinx provides training for free when you order your initial starter collection. Every new designer connects with a veteran designer to teach them the ropes of the industry and answer any questions they may have. 

Running Your Business Your Way

When new designers join the PermaLinx community, they become their own boss. Rather than being told you have to work 9 to 5, choose your hours and how you run your business. 

Designers host PermaLinx boutiques, a party that allows you to connect with your customers and showcase the collection. Other designers work one-on-one with clients through personal appointments.

What Is Forever Jewelry From PermaLinx? 

The next time a friend asks, “What is forever jewelry?” you can direct them to the PermaLinx collection. As a permanent jewelry lover, you express yourself every day without the hassle of picking the best accessories for you. 

Have questions regarding the PermaLinx collection? Connect with a local designer so you can add permanent jewelry to your ensemble. 
Are you ready to take the next step in your permanent jewelry career? Submit your contact form here.

JBloom Designs